Fabulous doodles @fabulous_doodle
Woof doodles! You all look absolutely adorable. Can you tell us a bit more about yourselves?
We are a family of 6 dogs and 2 people living on a small island outside Stockholm. Our ages range between 3 months and 6 years so our hobbies and interests differ a lot from each other. What really unites us is love, coziness and closeness. The three youngest of us (Ronja, Mio and Alva) take every opportunity we can to dig, one of us because she likes to hide things (Ronja), another because the taste of roots and soil is irresistible (Alva) and a third who simply likes to get dirty (Mio). The older trio (Fabbe, Nisse and Pippi) embark on more adult activities such as long walks in nature and patrolling the area around our cottage. We are all water dogs who love to swim and dive, Fabbe and Ronja can stay under the surface for almost 1 minute and sniff happily along the bottom.
The human side of our family consists of Oona and her husband Antti. Antti works as a police officer while Oona has a doctorate in ecology and works full time with the dogs and her business. We all moved to our dream house a little over 1 year ago and now enjoy a life in the country close to water (both 2- and 4-legged family members love water).
There is something I recognize about your names... where do they come from?
Our mother Oona grew up with Astrid Lindgren's enchanted world and read diligently about all her characters. And in that spirit we have all been named. The pirate Sjörövar-Fabbe, the monkey Herr Nilsson (Nisse), Pippi Longstocking (Pip), Ronja Rövardotter, Mio and little Alva (the housekeeper from the Madicken books). Of course we also have a lot of nicknames, but they are almost too many to list here.
That seems to suit you perfectly. Now, we'd like your hooman Oona to tell us a bit more about your kennel. Will you get little brothers and sisters soon?
It all started when we were a newlywed couple with a love for large dogs. But since Antti is allergic, we had to find an allergy-friendly dog. Oona has always wanted a golden retriever and had heard of a breed in the United States called the goldendoodle (a cross-breed of poodle and golden retriever). That breed was basically developed as a care and therapy dog and had a golden retrievers happy and pleasant temperament and the poodle's intelligence and fur qualities (it does not shed and should be more allergy friendly).
At that time, goldendooodles were unusual in Sweden, but with a bit of luck (a long story that can be read about on our website), the puppy Fabbe found a home in us. And our fantastic, fluffy boy then led us on a long journey that ended in the kennel we now call Fabulous Doodles. Today the kennel consists of no less than 6 doodles. Fabbe and Pippi are the mother and father of Ronja and Mio while Nisse (Fabbe's younger brother) is the father of little Alva.
Our dogs are a natural part of our family and the family's everyday life: we train everyday obedience together, go for long walks together, cuddle together and yes, live together as a family should. Goldendoodles love physical and mental stimulation and by enriching their lives in different ways (with a strong focus on having fun together) they are given the best opportunities to become happy and harmonious family members!
For us, it feels fantastic to be able to share with us the characteristics that characterize our puppies (healthy, safe, family-friendly and above all loving dogs). Our goal is to raise healthy dogs in a family environment where the dogs' well-being is in focus and good food is of course an essential part of it.
That is a smooth transition to petgood, how come you chose our insect-based food for your furry family?
As we have mentioned, we are nature lovers and in that spirit we also try to live as sustainably as we can. As the flock grew and became larger, we also became more and more aware of our fluffy family's climate impact. After our second dog, we completely stopped eating meat to compensate. When insect-based dog food began to appear on the market, we naturally became curious about that alternative. For us, sustainability, quality, transparency and price are very important. And when we heard about petgood from a friend, we were happy to find that this food would fit our family perfectly.
The dogs' poodle genes make them a little picky, especially Fabbe. But already the first meal of petgood disappeared in a second, which almost never happens in his case. Everyone else seems to appreciate the food just as much and eat with good appetite.
Together, we share our lives on Instagram and hope to inspire people to spend more time with their dogs and see the world a little more from their perspective.