Penny @labbretspenny

Meet our lovely ambassador Penny the labrador!
First, we'll let Penny tell us a bit more about her self:

Woof Penny!

What is your favourite hobby?
My favourite thing to do is play with my friends, go swimming, and explore new woodlands! I also love to pose for my mom's camera, because I get lots of treatos after.

Your name is obviously Penny, but what else does your hoomans call you?
I go by Penny Lane, Pennisen, Penn and when my humans are cross with me, you little idiot (with love of course).

Do you have a favourite toy when you play with your mom?
I love everything, but tennis balls and footballs are the absolute best!!

Can you tell us something extra pawsome about you?
I'm a super chill dog! I rarely get scared and have great steadiness! (I am also insanely cute)

Now, we'd like to hear more from your dog mom Emma.

Why did you choose petgood for Penny?
I, Pennys mom Emma, have always been interested in the environment and sustainability. Our humans impact on the environment has lead to an untenable situation, and we have to reduce our use of resources and cut down on the livestock industry which is one of the main issues. I have also been interested in animal ethics and I'm of the view that we need to stop abusing animals for our own interestests. Because of this, I have been searching for alternative sources of protein for my dog, and become very interested when I found petgood! A high-quality food developed with veterinarians, with a resource-saving and ethical protein source.

Have you noticed any improvements?
Penny has always had a sensitive stomach, which is fairly common in labradors. We have tried numbers of different dogfood, both raw food diets and dry food diets, and some have worked better than others. But, we have never found anything that have worked perfectly, which I also could feel good giving her. Because of this I was a bit sceptical when I tried petgood. Will this work? Have we finally found a good alternative? After a few weeks I realised that YES, it works so good for Penny! She thinks it is super tasty, and she poops less then before. She likes it so much we also use it as treats when we are training!

It feels good in my heart to give Penny petgood - and I am so proud to be an ambassador for this brand and food!


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