Benefits for the dog

Our insect-based dog food comes with many benefits for your four-legged friend. Our insect protein is rich in the same essential nutrients that your pet would get from traditional meat, and has high digestibility. Our diet also provides prebiotics and dietary fiber, for a healthy intestinal flora.

High quality protein
Supports gut health
Based on research

No antibiotics

To our dog products

Health benefits with the petgood diet for your dog

Our dog food is rich in protein from the black soldier fly larvae; a high-quality protein source that is completely free of growth hormones and antibiotics. The complete dog food contains carefully balanced levels of minerals, vitamins, fatty acids and amino acids to provide all the nutrients and energy your dog needs.

Our complete insect-based dog food comes in adult and puppy. Our food is developed to suit all breeds and cover all the nutritional requirement the dog has for the specific life stage. We recommend our adult food when your dog is fully grown (approximately 1 year old depending on breed). If you have a puppy, growing dog or pregnant/lactating female, we recommend our puppy food.

Insects are incredibly nutrient-rich. They are an animal protein source, rich in the same essential amino acids that your pet would get from traditional meat. This means that insects contain all the protein and amino acids your dog needs to get energy and build muscles.

As a bonus, the black soldier fly larvae have high digestibility, which means that your pet can easily digest and absorb the valuable protein. On top of that, our amazing insects also provide essential fatty acids and minerals!

Our diets contains healthy dietary fibers and prebiotics from natural sources, which has proven beneficial effects on the intestinal bacterial flora. Just like in humans, research has shown how a healthy intestinal flora in dogs and cats has positive effects on the body's well-being and general immune system.

Nutrients that feed the good bacteria in the gut are called prebiotics. Our feed contains several natural prebiotics, to give the good intestinal bacteria optimal conditions to thrive. Dietary fiber contributes with an increased feeling of satiety, a healthy movement of intestines and passage time of the feed. In our feed, among other ingredients, beetroot contributes with natural dietary fibre.  This, in combination with our products being naturally gluten free, make them extra kind to the digestive system.

Did you come here to learn more about insect protein in combination with food allergy or looking for an allergy-friendly dog food? We have written an in-depth article on how that works here.

Current research confirms the many benefits from using black soldier fly larvae as a protein source for dogs. On this page, our lead veterinarian Nicky Sluczanowski has summarized this research, and you can also dive deeper into the studies behind it.

Our products are developed with veterinarians and nutritionists to ensure an optimal nutritional profile. All our recipes are based on the nutritional recommendations from FEDIAF, an organisation that regularly publish new guidelines for dog and cat nutrition based on the latest research. Our dental sticks are also developed with veterinary dental specialists to ensure a premium oral health product for your dog.

Our products are packed with nutrition from natural and carefully selected ingredients, and added vitamins and minerals. Insects is our only animal ingredient - the rest is plant based. Our insects are resistant to disease and grow quickly on their own. Thanks to this, our production is completely free of unwanted substances such as antibiotics and growth hormones.

 Would you like to read more about the ingredients in our dog products? You can find them here.

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